GS Homecoming activities announced

Georgia Southern University's 2023 Homecoming will take place October 15-21. The university is excited to invite campus departments and local community members to participate in several fun events during the week, and registration is open now. For a full list of the week's activities and events, click here.

This year's theme is "Wild, Wild West in the Eagles Nest." Please read all rules and expectations carefully, prior to registering to participate in any event, to avoid any misunderstandings and possible disqualification from the Homecoming events.  

Paint the Nest Blue

  • About: Door/window/residence hall decorating competition.
  • Who can participate:
    • Campus departments
    • Residence halls
    • Community partners (e.g., restaurants, boutiques, and other businesses)
  • Date/Time: Displays will be randomly judged between Tuesday, October 17 and Thursday, October 19.
  • Participation Guidelines:
  1. Campus departments and residence halls should obtain prior, supervisor approval.
  2. All entries must include the department/business name, but it should not dominate the overall display.
  3. Entries may not be used to campaign for student royalty candidates. 
  4. Artwork must be affixed to the door and/or window. Additional characters and/or floor props will not be judged.
  5. All entries should be displayed Monday, October 16 - Friday, October 20.
  6. All entries should be completed by Monday, October 16 at 5:00pm.
  7. Registration forms are due to the Office of Student Activities by Thursday, September 21 at 4:00pm.

Homecoming Parade

  • About: Traditional Parade 
  • Who can participate:
    • Campus departments
    • Residence halls
    • Community partners
    •  Anyone from the Georgia Southern community may participate in the parade as one of the following entries:
      • Floats: Scenes built on hay trucks or trailers that express the Homecoming theme. *professional floats ordered from a company will not be judged.
      • Krazy Cars: Cars dressed up with spirited, theme-based items. Golf carts or 2 door coupes are considered Krazy Cars. Anything larger is considered a float.​
      • Characters and banners are permitted in the parade but will not be judged.
  • Date/Time:
    • IMPORTANT CHANGE: The Parade will begin in Downtown Statesboro on Monday, October 16.
    • All participating groups must be in their designated parade position no later than 4:15pm. Exact location: TBA.
    • The parade will begin promptly at 5:00pm.
  • General Participation Guidelines:
  1. Live animals are not permitted.
  2. Throwing objects (includes candy) from floats is not permitted. Characters should hand deliver items to parade viewers.
  3. Members of groups are allowed to ride on the floats during the parade. No more than eight (8) persons on an entry other than a float, including the driver. Members should not jump off of vehicles. The Office of Student Activities reserves the right to determine if any vehicle is unsafe or has too many people riding on it. 
  4. Each Krazy Car may consist of no more than 2 members on board.
  5. Drivers must be cautious of the parade viewers and are not permitted to drive towards them in a reckless manner.
  6. Registration forms are due to the Office of Student Activities by Thursday, September 21 at 4:00pm.

Buckin' BBQ and Tailgate

  • About: BBQ and spirited tailgate competition
  • Who can participate:
    • Campus departments
    • Registered student organizations
    • Campus departments and registered student organizations may participate in the following categories:
      • True Blue BBQ: All participants must provide their own supply of meat, and grill/smoker. Entries must be cooked on site.
      • True Blue Tailgate: PG-13 tailgates only. No alcoholic beverages, containers, paraphernalia or related games are permitted.
  • Date/Time/Location:
    • Thursday, October 19 | 1:00pm - 4:00pm
    • Russell Union Rotunda
  • General Participation Guidelines:
  1. All participants must provide their own supply of meat, and grill/smoker. Entries must be cooked on site. No outside food will be judged.
  2. Each team must provide enough portions to feed a minimum of 5 judging members.
  3. All meats must be held and cooked at safe temperatures. Meats must be on ice before being cooked and maintained at 140 degrees after being cooked.
  4. All submissions must be turned in to the judging members (with the organization’s name properly displayed) by 1:00 pm on Thursday, October 19.
  5. NC-17 tailgates only. No alcoholic beverages, containers, paraphernalia or related games are permitted.
  6. Registration forms are due to the Office of Student Activities by Tuesday, August 29 at 5:00pm.


  1. ​Georgia Southern University is dedicated to affirming and fostering an appreciation and understanding of cultural, ethnic, and gender diversity by creating a community that celebrates our many beliefs, traditions, and values. It is an expectation that all 2022 Homecoming participants contribute to the enhancement and maintenance of a campus climate that reflects the principles of inclusiveness, equity, civility, and mutual respect and understanding by embracing the many dimensions of diversity which include but are not limited to race, ethnicity, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, and ability.
  2. Georgia Southern University participants are expected to obey national, state, and local laws, to respect the rights of members of the campus community, and to accept responsibility for the consequences of their behavior. In the event students fail to demonstrate such behavior, Georgia Southern University reserves the right to take necessary and appropriate action to protect the safety and well-being of the campus community. Such action may include pursuing action for violations of University rules and regulations, policies, violations of national, state, and local laws that occur on-campus that adversely affects the educational interest of the University.
  3. Georgia Southern University expects the University community including students, faculty, staff and guests to make responsible decisions about the use of alcohol. The illegal use of alcohol will not be tolerated at Georgia Southern University encourages all members of the campus community to make informed decisions regarding their personal use of alcohol. Those who legally choose to use alcohol must use it in a responsible manner that will not interfere with the rights of others. Abuse is NOT a responsible choice.

For more information on the above events and a complete calendar of Homecoming week, please visit:

Go Eagles!

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