Georgia Southern Division of Continuing and Professional Ed hosting job fair on February 12

GS Employer Job Fair

The Georgia Southern Division of Continuing and Professional Education will host the Career Connections Job Fair on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 from 10:30am-7pm at the CPE Center, located at 10449 US Hwy 301S in Statesboro.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, DCPE says this event is your gateway to exciting new opportunities. The job fair is open to everyone, and there will also be a food truck on site.

Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with top employers from various industries, discover open positions, and even get on-the-spot interviews. The fair will also offer networking sessions to give applicants an edge in their job search.

Register as an applicant now to stay updated on which employers will be attending. 

Employers will have the opportunity to meet a diverse pool of talented candidates ready to make an impact. Attending employers can showcase their company, connect with potential hires, and find the perfect fit for their needs. Register now as an employer to secure a table for the event.

Sponsorship opportunities are available, as well, offering valuable brand exposure and a chance to connect with professionals eager to advance their careers. Contact for more info.

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