February 12th is the 115th Founders Day for NAACP: "Honoring Our Historic Past, Present and Future"

"Honoring Our Historic Past, Present and Future; That's what we're both leveraging and fighting for in 2024. Learning from our past and betting on our future will drive our present action." --NAACP.ORG 

On February 12, 1909, the NAACP, our nation's largest and most widely recognized civil rights organization, was born. The Bulloch County Chapter of the NAACP is announcing a new membership campaign heading into the rest of 2024. Chapter Secretary Sophia Harris-Johnson provides an update on the Chapter's work and the campaign.

"In this very community, our present action is to continue to advance the mission and vision of NAACP by working hard to secure a future where we can exercise our civil and human rights in every aspect of life. We have Education Innovation, Veterans Affairs, Health and Well-being, Political Action, Legal Justice,  Economic Inclusion, Fundraising and Communications Committees that are pressing forward with actions to ensure that this community will THRIVE," stated Secretary Johnson. 

Founders Day Membership Campaign

We need our past and present members to continue to fight alongside us, and our future members to join in the fight with us, for our civil rights and social justices.
The Bulloch County Branch is launching our Founders Day Membership Campaign. This campaign begins on February 12th. The local unit and this entire organization are fully aware of how necessary membership is to this organization. We know that this organization is only as strong as its membership!

"Membership gives us a footprint of freedom fighters that are ready to take care of the business at hand. We recognize that the important work we do every day to fulfill our mission would not be possible without a network of dedicated local activists and community leaders, who want to see Black America thrive just as much as we do. That's why we need YOUR help to grow our support. Each NAACP Unit has the duty to reach within our communities to increase our membership. We ask you, especially on Founders' Day, to ask one person to join the NAACP to help us do the work. Membership is the lifeblood of our association and we could not do it without you." Georgia NAACP

Anyone interested in joining and learning more about NAACP can contact us at bullochnaacpsecretary@gmail.com. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.  
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