DHS and GPLS partner to provide more than 400 self-service kiosks at Georgia libraries

The kiosk at the Statesboro-Bulloch County Library, located at 124 S. Main St. in Statesboro

The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) and Georgia Public Library Service (GPLS) are partnering to provide free self-service benefits kiosks at Georgia public libraries.

The kiosks provide convenient access for the public to access Georgia Gateway, the state’s integrated eligibility system, to review, change, or renew their benefits including Medicaid, PeachCare for Kids®, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Childcare and Parent Services (CAPS), and Women, Infants & Children (WIC).

“We are excited to offer these self-service kiosks to Georgians, allowing them more flexibility to manage their benefits. With weekend hours and internet access in rural parts of the state, public libraries offer our customers additional access points so they can complete a renewal or manage their cases easily,” said DHS Commissioner Candice Broce.

The self-service kiosks will reduce wait times and provide access at the point of need, helping benefits-eligible Georgians to maintain their own and their family's coverage.

“Georgia Public Library Service is proud to partner with DHS and provide our expertise in scalable technology and tools to help Georgians update their social services benefits at many libraries across the state,” said Vice Chancellor for Archives and Libraries and State Librarian Julie Walker. “This partnership demonstrates that our libraries are a model of collaboration, innovation, and excellence. Together, we are increasing access and efficiency for Georgia residents.”

Kiosk, at left, near the front entrance of the Statesboro Library

The kiosks are supported by a Google Chrome environment and lightweight enough to be wheeled anywhere, capitalizing on familiar technology to help connect Georgians to the services they rely on. While library staff are not trained to answer benefits eligibility questions or handle sensitive data, they will be able to direct customers to the appropriate Division of Family & Children Services office for support.

“The benefits kiosks are one more way Georgia's libraries are helping to bridge the digital divide and ensure that Georgians have access to the resources they need to make life easier,” said Walker.

In addition to multiplying the number of locations where benefits applications and renewals can be completed, DHS and GPLS hope kiosk users will learn about the other many free library services – like 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten, laptops and internet hotspots for checkout, online job skills training, and more – that all Georgians can take advantage of with a free library card.

Initial funding for this program was provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service.

To view a map of kiosk locations, click here.

The Statesboro-Bulloch County Library kiosk is near the front entrance. You can ask for assistance at the front desk, if needed.

About the Georgia Department of Human Services
DHS delivers a wide range of human services deigned to promote self-sufficiency, safety, and well-being for all Georgians. DHS comprises three divisions – Aging Services, Child Support Services, and Family & Children Services. Their vision is to build stronger families for a stronger Georgia.

About Georgia Public Library Service
Georgia Public Library Service empowers libraries to improve the lives of all Georgians by encouraging reading, literacy and education through the continuing support and improvement of our public libraries. Georgia Public Library Service is a unit of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.

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