Comment period extended for state wildlife action plan

Monarch on Milkweed. Linda May

Good news: You have more time to comment on Georgia’s draft 2025 State Wildlife Action Plan, a statewide strategy that guides the conservation of everything from manatees to monarch butterflies.

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources has added another three weeks for feedback, extending the deadline from March 21 to April 11. Plan coordinator Dr. Brett Albanese, an assistant chief with DNR’s Wildlife Conservation Section, said this will allow individuals and groups to dig even deeper into the details of the revised plan.

Since the comment period opened Feb. 19, many Georgians have provided their thoughts through the survey at Albanese is hoping many more will by April 11.

Created by scores of stakeholders, the state’s Wildlife Action Plan is vital to restoring, managing and protecting Georgia wildlife, including 1,000-plus species “of greatest conservation need.”


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