City to conduct smoke testing on sewer mains this week

The routine testing is expected to take 5 to 6 days. | Photo Courtesy City of Statesboro

Beginning Monday, January 13, 2025 a contractor for the City of Statesboro will be performing smoke tests on sewer mains within the yellow outlined areas in the below images.

This is a routine process that should take around 5 to 6 days to complete.

Sewer smoke testing helps determine whether the wastewater collection system is leaking in such a way that groundwater may be seeping into the system underground.

If smoke does get into your home or building during the testing, please do not be alarmed. The smoke is non-toxic and does not cause or indicate a fire. The City recommends trying to determine where the smoke is coming from and trying to repair any broken pipe, toilet seal, washer connections, or other plumbing fixtures that allow this smoke to get into your home or building.

If this smoke can get in, the sewer gas and odors can also get in.

Please call Statesboro Public Utilities at 912-764-0693 if you have questions or concerns.

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