City of Statesboro hosts Open House to gather input for future zoning and development

Kathy Field, Director of Planning and Development for the City of Statesboro, speaks at the open house

On Tuesday June 13th, the City of Statesboro hosted an Open House Public Forum for discussion on its newly proposed Unified Development Code (UDC).

The event took place at the Statesboro First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall from 6-8pm.

Statesboro contracts with the Atlanta-based design firm, TSW, to assist with the updating of its existing zoning code. Caleb Racicot is the TSW Contact assigned to Statesboro.

Racicot presented the discussion draft at the forum on Tuesday, June 13th.

Statesboro’s Unified Development Code has SIX main goals in its efforts to revise the existing zoning code.

  • Goal 1: Help implement existing City plans and policies
  • Goal 2: Promote housing and economic growth
  • Goal 3: Make regulations easier to understand
  • Goal 4: Incorporate technical best practices
  • Goal 5: Promote quality development
  • Goal 6: Ensure that regulations meet Statesboro’s unique needs
TSW Contact, Caleb Racicot

Kathy Field, Director of Planning and Development for the City of Statesboro, had this statement to give regarding the extensive process of revising Statesboro’s zoning code:

“Statesboro’s zoning code is 40 years old. So, it is time for us to make necessary revisions to support Statesboro's future growth and development. Our goal is to collect the feedback from as many stakeholder groups as possible on the proposed UDC revisions. After their feedback has been collected, we can move forward in creating a more user-friendly zoning code.”

Open House Public Feedback

At the end of Racicot's presentation, many concerns were voiced regarding the UDC's proposed parking lot standards -- specifically its landscaping and tree requirements.

The concerns voiced were:

  • The tree roots causing conflicts with the lighting poles over time
  • Disability and safety concerns in the parking lots regarding the proposed parking lot landscape buffers and drafted tree requirements

Other concerns voiced were:

  • Business signage aesthetic concerns under the new signage code
  • Inquiries regarding the "Cottage Court" apartment-style layout, a housing and development option proposed in the UDC

Next Steps

The next steps towards revising the City of Statesboro’s Unified Development Code are:

  • Tuesday, June 20th: City Council Work Session
  • Monday, July 10th: Second Public Hearing
  • Tuesday, July 18th: First Read
  • Tuesday, August 1st: Second Read

To view the full discussion draft of the Unified Development Code, CLICK HERE.

For more information on the City of Statesboro’s Master Plan and Unified Development Code, visit

If you have questions on the UDC draft, email TSW Contact Caleb Racicot at, or contact City of Statesboro's Kathy Field at for more support. 

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