Brooklet Police Chief Gary Roberts announces retirement, Brooklet City projects progressing

Police Chief Roberts and Mayor Nicky Gwinnett. Photo by Ainslie Smith

The Brooklet City Council met on Thursday evening, October 17, 2024, with Mayor Nicky Gwinnett calling the meeting to order. The agenda was approved with two amendments, including moving item 16.3 to the bottom and adding an invoice for Sand Creek Land Construction.

During the meeting, Police Chief Gary Roberts was recognized for his service as he announced his retirement. Mayor Gwinnett presented Chief Roberts with a congratulatory plaque, thanking him for his years of dedication to the city. Roberts, who has been a fixture in the community, will officially retire on Halloween, which will be his last day in office. He mentioned he hopes to complete pending tasks, such as securing radar permits and finalizing the animal control contract, before stepping down. Trick-or-treating will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. on October 31, with safety precautions in place.

The meeting also saw resident James Holloway address concerns about uneven city services, particularly maintenance of city easements. Holloway expressed frustration with the inconsistent upkeep in different areas, which Mayor Gwinnett acknowledged, stating the issue would be investigated.

The council approved a variety of consent agenda items, including new policies and several invoices for city services, as well as a proposal for new work order software. Additionally, the council received reports from City Manager Carter Crawford, City Clerk Lori Phillips, and City Engineer Wesley Parker, among others. Crawford highlighted the progress on storm debris cleanup, while Parker updated the council on several ongoing infrastructure projects, including street paving and water system upgrades.

The council also passed ordinances related to subdivision regulations and zoning amendments, further clarifying meeting protocols and approving utility easements for new sewer systems. Mayor Gwinnett recused himself from discussions on one legal matter before the council adjourned.

Continue reading for all business covered at the meeting:

Mayor Nicky Gwinnett called the October 17 Brooklet city Council meeting to order, and the agenda was approved with two amendments: Item 16.3 was moved to the bottom of the agenda and a secondary invoice for Sand Creek Land Construction was added.

3. Recognition of Guest(s) who have Signed Up to Speak 

Gill Howard expressed his gratitude for the workers that have done an excellent job of cleaning up storm debris.

4. Recognition of Guest(s) Requested to be on the Agenda: 

a. James Holloway - 238 Sara Beth Drive - Services provided to some but not all residents, specifically maintenance of city easements.

Holloway said that he spoke to the City Manager about the matter, but was not satisfied with the answers he was given. He claims that some areas are more well kept than others, and the problem of not having enough city landscapers is not an adequate answer. 

“It's a matter of manpower really,” said Mayor Nicky Gwinnett, who furthered that the issue would be investigated.

During this portion of the meeting, Mayor Gwinnett also recognized Police Chief Gary Roberts, who recently announced his retirement. The Mayor presented Chief Roberts with a congratulatory plaque.

APPROVED 5. Consent Agenda: 

a. Proposed Purchasing Policy 

b. Proposed Vehicle/Equipment Replacement Policy 

c. All Green Services Invoice#63 for $7,900.80 

d. South 301 Auto Body Service Invoice for Police Vehicle Repairs for $6,441.31

e. Proposed Work Order Software - Limble Solutions, Inc., Annual Fee $8.640.00 

f. Core & Main Bid Proposal 9.12.24 for $18,283.38 

g. Appointment of Sheila Wentz for the Water Utility Board (Sec. 50-29 (b)) 

APPROVED 6. Consideration of a Motion to Approve the Minutes for the following Meetings: 

a. September 12, 2024 Work Session 

b. September 19, 2024 City Council 

APPROVED 7. Consideration of a Motion to Approve the September Financial Reports as presented. 

8. Report from the City Manager Carter Crawford 

Crawford reports that city cleanup is going very well, with much of the debris pickup being contracted outside of the city. City staff are compiling paperwork that will secure FEMA reimbursements for storm damage.

9. Reports from Committee Members 

Councilwoman Rebecca Kelly asked about a burn ordinance during storm cleanup in Brooklet, and worries that it is dangerous for infrastructure and air quality. Attorney Ben Perkins suggested staff can work on formalizing one.

10. Report from City Clerk Lori Phillips 

Phillips said that she has talked to David Edwards with the US military vets, who said that 150 wreaths will be available for a $17 donation.

11. Report from Planning & Zoning Administrator Melissa Pevey 

Report items were listed on the agenda.

12. Report from Police Chief Gary M. Roberts 

Chief Roberts said that 26 calls of service were answered this month and a recent burglary is under investigation. He said before he retires we would like to finish working on the radar permits, and continue making headway on the animal control contract. Halloween will be Robert's last day, and he said that trick or treating is from 5:30 pm to 8 pm.

13. Report from the Safety Coordinator Jim Stanoff 

Stanoff reiterated precautions Chief Roberts suggested taking on Halloween, like taking extra care to watch for walking kids and hayrides. He also suggested that you do not follow cars closely.

He reports that the safety grant was submitted by the deadline, and the city will hear back soon. If approved for the grant, the city will be reimbursed $3,000 for their safety cameras, and new safety kits for officers. 

14. Report from the City Engineer Wesley Parker, Parker Engineering, LLC. 

Parker reports that the Cromley land survey, archeology, and other GDOT required field work is complete, and a final report will now be written. He said that the street paving project is now complete aside from striping that should be finished soon.  He reported that all that is left for the well project is to finish the propane tank, chemical feeds, and security fencing. The 12 inch water main project is 100% complete and the sewer project is being split into two phases for contracting purposes: force main and lift station.

Councilman Anderson asked if they are on track with bonds, and City Attorney Ben Perkins replied that all key documents are being prepared and an amended bond resolution will be presented to city council.

The 3 inch ‘tap in’ pipe design for extending sewer services to Brooklet residents is also complete.

15. Report from the Water/Sewer Consultant Matthew Morris 

Not present.

Discussion ltem(s): 

APPROVED 16.1.  Second Reading and Consideration of a motion to approve TA2024-020: An ordinance by the Mayor and City Council of Brooklet to amend the Brooklet, Georgia Subdivision Ordinance; to provide for notice; to provide for severability; to provide an effective date; to repeal all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and for other purposes. 


16.2.  First Reading of revised TA2024-021: An ordinance by the Mayor and City council for the City of Brooklet, Georgia amending the Code of the City of Brooklet, Georgia at Zoning Appendix B, Article V, to amend and restate the table of permitted uses at Section 5-1, and to add Section 5-3 and Subsections 5-3.3 through 5-3.7 which provide for minimum standards in the R-3 zoning district; to provide for notice; to provide for severability; to provide an effective date; to repeal all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith; and for other purposes. 


MOVED TO END OF AGENDA/ APPROVED 16.3.  Consideration of a motion to approve the Attorney Fee Agreement with Smith, Welch, Webb & White law firm to represent the city in the action pending in the Superior Court of Bulloch County, Civil Action No. SUCV2024000209, styled G3 Ventures, LLC v. City of Brooklet. 

16.4. Agenda/Meeting Protocol Discussion 

Rules about decorum in public comments were discussed in recent meetings, but new clarifications stating that attendees may talk about comments outside of city business if they choose were adopted at the October 17 meeting. They also further clarified that you can request to speak during the public comment portion of a city council meeting at any time.

APPROVED 16.5. Consideration of a motion to approve the Utility Easement Agreement with JD & LSV 109 West Lee, LLC. 

Easements from these private properties will enable routing of the new sewer system. The property owners are asking for a waiver of the connection fees to the sewer system at 7 properties, which totals to essentially a $9,000 fee waiver.

City Attorney Perkins suggested that the council make a motion to make these items subject to the attorneys approval upon their passing of the items.

APPROVED 16.6. Consideration of a motion to approve the Utility Easement Agreement with JD & LSGV 103 West Lee, LLC. 

APPROVED 16.7.  Discussion and consideration of a motion to approve the Sand Creek Land Construction invoice for hauling off debris for $4,097.50. 17. 

The second invoice added to the agenda totaled $1,952.50 and was also approved 

Mayor Nicky Gwinnett recused himself for item 16.3 that was moved to the bottom of the agenda, and after approving the item, the council adjourned the meeting.

Click here to review the agenda and supporting documents.

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