Brooklet City Council discusses the need for SPLOST and more

From left to right: Mayor Pro Tem & Councilman Roughton, Mayor Nicky Gwinnett, and City Manager and Councilman Carter Crawford

The Brooklet City Council gathered on Thursday, February 21, 2025, at 7:00pm, for their regularly scheduled meeting. Led by Mayor Nicky Gwinnett, the meeting began with an invocation and pledge, followed by agenda approval which included adding a change order to the consent agenda. The council approved the consent agenda, addressing items such as a rate of pay survey for municipal court officials, a solicitor proposal, personnel policy (tabled until March), planning and zoning recommendations, disaster recovery contracts, a work-based learning program, legal services invoice, and the change order. 

Mayor Gwinnett emphasized the importance of SPLOST funding for water, sewer, public works, and equipment. Early voting begins on Monday, February 24, 2025.

Minutes and financial reports were approved. City Manager Carter Crawford reported on the upcoming planning retreat, the city’s ISO fire classification, the search for a new city manager, FEMA reimbursement progress, and debris removal contracts. The ISO rating should benefit residents on their homeowner’s fire insurance. Committee members had no reports. City Clerk Lori Phillips noted FEMA meetings, the posting of election qualifying fees, and a DAC Bond meeting. The Planning & Zoning report detailed tap-ins, work orders, sanitation logs, and water adjustments. The Interim Police Chief reported calls for service, accidents, and fines collected. 

From left to right: Councilwoman Rebecca Kelly and Councilwoman Sheila Wentz

The City Engineer's report, delivered by Lindsey Bashlor, covered well and well house projects, sidewalk and sewer projects, lift station progress, the Seed Project, and street improvements. The council held a first reading for an ordinance regarding burning restrictions, and unanimously approved the resignations of the Municipal Court Judge and Public Defender, tabling the appointment of a replacement judge but approving the appointment of an interim public defender. 

They also unanimously approved the pension plan audit and continued participation at the recommended contribution rate, approved the change orders for the 3-inch force main, and approved a proposal from Georgia Technologies for updating the City Hall audio/video system. The meeting adjourned unanimously.

From left to right: Mayor Pro Tem & Councilman Roughton & Mayor Nicky Gwinnett

In attendance: L.W. (Nicky) Gwinnett, Mayor; Hubert Keith Roughton, Mayor Pro-Tem; Rebecca Kelly, Councilwoman; James Harrison, Councilman; Sheila Wentz, Councilwoman; Carter Crawford, City Manager; Lori Phillips, City Clerk; Wes Rahn, standing in for Ben Perkins, City Attorney

Proposed Agenda


  • Mayor L.W. (Nicky) Gwinnett, Jr. 


  • Councilwoman Rebecca Kelly started the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.


  • Mayor Gwinnett requested the change order be added to the Consent Agenda as Number 7a. This was unanimously approved.


  • There were no guests signed up to speak. 


  • There were no guests who requested to be on the agenda.


  1. Rate of Pay Survey for Municipal Court Officials—The City conducted a survey of small Georgia cities to determine the annual rate of pay for Municipal Judges, Solicitors, and Public Defenders. The salaries are based on the court being held monthly. Using the average rate of pay for each position, we recommend the following annual pay for each position:
    1. Municipal Court Judge $8,400.00
    2. Solicitor $6,000.00
    3. Public Defender $200.00 per hour as needed
  • This item is in progress. 

       2. Proposal from Robbie Mock for the Municipal Court Solicitor position at $500.00 per court session.

       3. Proposed Personnel Policy

  • Mayor Pro-Tem Roughton suggested the council have adequate time to review on the recent changes made to the personnel policy and that it be tabled until the March meeting. This suggestion was unanimously approved. 

       4. Planning & Zoning Interview Results — The recommendations are Phillip Mimbs & Matthew Rogers. These are the two applicants who had the highest interview scores. 

       5. Southern Disaster Recovery, LLC, has a Contract for storm cleanup with whole tree grinders and crews for $61,305.00

       6. Southeast Bulloch High School Work-Based Learning Employer/Mentor Program

       7. Invoice # 943776 from Smith Welch Webb & White for Legal Services in the amount of  $6,104.20.

  • The consent agenda was unanimously approved. 

“It is extremely critical that the town of Brooklet get that money,” Mayor Gwinnett said of SPLOST. Early voting begins on Monday, February 24. 

Audience member Dave Bircher asked how Brooklet would spend the SPLOST money if given the chance. Mr. Crawford and Mayor Gwinnett confirmed the funds would be spent on water, sewer, public works, and equipment.


  1. December 19, 2024, Public Hearing & City Council Meeting
  2. January 9, 2025, Work Session
  • This item was unanimously approved. 


  • This item was unanimously approved. 


1. The Mayor, Council and staff planning retreat will be held at the Bulloch Co. Retreat Center, Gateway Industrial Park, Statesboro, from 8:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. on Saturday, March 1, 2025.

The retreat facilitator, Pam Helton with GMA will be contacting the Mayor and Council to get their expectations for the retreat.

2. The City of Brooklet's ISO Fire Classification currently is 4/4+. One is the best possible score and ten is the worst. The rating we received is very good for a town of Brooklet’s size. This should help residents regarding fire insurance for their homes. 

3. We have started the advertising process for a new City Manager.

4. See Application for FEMA reimbursement for hurricane costs. Staff, especially the City Clerk and Assist. City Clerk have spent a considerable amount of time gathering the required documentation. We have been meeting weekly for the last 6 weeks with Billy Cummins, FEMA Program Delivery Manager for this area. She has been very helpful in advising the City how to fulfill FEMA requirements. She also complimented the City staff for having completed the requirements so fast. She stated that Brooklet was further ahead in completing the FEMA requirements than most other cities and counties in her area.

5. We have received the contract from the contractor to mulch the City's hurricane debris and haul it to the Evans Co. Landfill. We are waiting for the contract to landfill the City's mulch in the Evans Co. Landfill.

X. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEE MEMBERS - Mayor Pro-Tem Hubert Roughton; Councilwoman Sheila Wentz; Councilman Brad Anderson; Councilwoman Rebecca Kelly; Councilman James Harrison

- No reports.


 - Ms. Phillips and Mr. Crawford have been meeting with Ms. Cummins from FEMA. 

 - Ms. Phillips published the qualifying fees for the 2025 election.

 - Ms. Phillips attended a DAC Bond meeting. They discussed the first payment, its due date, and what report is required. 

XII. REPORT FROM PLANNING & ZONING ADMINISTRATOR - Melissa Pevey, not present but Mayor Pro-Tem read the report aloud: 

Report from: (1/17/25-2/20/25)


Total Tap-ins: 7

11 pending taps installed.

Frank Jo, LLC Construction (Woods Edge): 11 due to be installed once Parker confirms that the laterals are corrected and complete, waiting update.

Work Orders:

Total Work Orders: (1/17/25-2/20/25)

Completed Work Orders: 37

Incomplete Work Orders:10 (1 is due to wet weather)

*5 work orders are due by end of the month

Incomplete Work Orders since January 1, 2024: 89

Monthly Sanitation Log: (1/17/25-2/20/25)

Total Units to Landfill: 69.18 Tons

Unit Price (Statesboro): $44.00

Unit Price (All Green): $45.00

Total Cost: $3,067.23 (1/17/25-2/20/25)

Total Cart pick so far: 3,927

Water Adjustments 2025: 0


- 26 calls for service, four accident reports, 10 other reports, $2810.00 collected for fines, one arrest for January of 2025


Not present.


  • Wesley Parker, Parker Engineering, LLC. - Mr. Parker was not in attendance
  • Lindsey Bashlor gave the update.
  • Brooklet Well and Well House Project: the well is now permitted, the scanner has been hooked up and the generator has been tested; should be able to close out shortly.
  • Cromley Road Sidewalk Project: Environmental studies are still being done
  • The Brooklet and Statesboro Sewer Project: this project is underway. Shockley Plumbing has installed 1K foot of 12-inch and 1K foot of 3-inch force main.
  • The Lift Station Project - contractors are still in the submittal phase, then they will be in the pre-construction phase. The pre-construction meeting will tentatively take place in approximately two weeks. 
  • The Seed Project - water going from Joiner to Cromley is in design
  • 2024 Brooklet Street Improvements - finished the speed humps on Spence Road


1. First reading of Ordinance No.2025-01, an ordinance to amend chapter 38 of the code of ordinances to prohibit the burning of lawn trash, leaves, pine straw, trash, and rubbish. 

  • No vote needed 

2. Motion to Approve the Resignation of the Municipal Court Judge, Joey Cowart, effective February 20, 2025. 

  • This item was approved unanimously. 

3. Motion to Approve the Resignation of the Municipal Court Public Defender, Joseph Williams, effective February 13, 2025. 

  • This item was approved unanimously. 

4. Consideration of a Motion to Appoint an Interim or Permanent Municipal Court Judge.

  • Motion to table was unanimously approved 

5. Consideration of a Motion to Appoint an Interim or Permanent Municipal Court Public Defender.

  • This item was approved unanimously. 

6. Motion to Approve the Recommended Contribution to the Defined Benefit Pension Plan in the amount of $494,463.37 (This is the amount the city has contributed to the Defined Benefit Pension Plan).

Each year, ACCG Retirement Services engages an actuary to prepare an Actuarial Valuation Report and calculate the funded status of the City's Defined Benefit Pension plan. As part of this report, the actuary calculates City's annual Required Contribution amount, which is determined by amortizing the unfunded liability over time in accordance with State Law, The actuary also calculates a Recommended Contribution, which amortizes the unfunded liability over a shortened period.

It was confirmed that the number represents the total amount the city has contributed since the plan’s inception. 

The city currently has three employees participating in the retirement plan. Two motions were made regarding this item:

  1. A motion to approve the audit of the pension plan was unanimously approved.
  2. A motion to approve the continued participation at the recommended rate of contribution was unanimously approved. 

7. Discuss and consider a Motion to Approve the Change Order in the amount of $90,500 for a 3-inch Force Main for Tap-ins during the Water/Sewer

Construction Project.

Mayor Pro-Tem Roughton explained for those who were not present at last week’s work session. This was approved unanimously. 

 7a. Addition of Change Order # PE21193 in the amount of an increase of $151,340.00

  • Amendment to run 3-in force main from Lane Street to the lift station and then from Lane Street to Depot Street, starting at the Mexican restaurant and ending at the bank.
  • This will give residents the ability to tie in a year earlier than initially expected. 
  • This item was approved unanimously. 

8. Discussion and consideration of a Motion to Approve the proposal from Georgia Technologies in the amount of $16,000.00 for updating the City Hall Council/Courtroom Audio/Video System.

  • This item was approved unanimously. 

XVII. Motion to Adjourn

  • A motion was made to adjourn the meeting. This item was approved unanimously. 
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