“Trust me; just trust me!” These are the words Cari Steckel has used to reassure thousands of parents over the years who bring their children to learn life-saving swimming skills from her.
Every year in June, Steckel travels from her home in the Atlanta area to Statesboro, where she runs a one-week swim boot camp for over 120 children, providing guidance for every level swimmer from beginning to advanced. She admits her unique style can be a challenge for nervous parents: “I’m not for everyone.” However, for the families who can trust Steckel’s process, they will see their children flourish under her guidance.
“My kids were crying at the beginning of the week, then diving and swimming to Cari in the middle of a huge pool by the end. I recommend her to everyone who inquires about swim lessons,” says one local mother.
Steckel, a certified swim instructor, grew up in Statesboro. She began taking lessons when she was a child with "Ms. Mouse" (Linda Blankenbaker), the woman who would later become her swim instructor role model. “I have always loved the water,” Steckel explains.
She started teaching swimming at the age of 16. Steckel recalls putting ads in the Statesboro Herald, and posting flyers around town to build her clientele. She continued to teach through her undergrad at the University of Alabama, and during her graduate degree at Georgia Southern University. Her aquatic following kept growing, and, after she moved to Atlanta after graduate school in 2010, she knew she needed to continue her calling.
Once she made the decision to return every year, Steckel initially traveled from pool to pool all over Statesboro, which she later determined wasn’t time efficient. She set out to secure a host pool, and has been teaching in the same location since 2018.
Steckel remarked that things come full circle as her swim assistants are now young adults that she once taught as children. She has taught in all kinds of weather, including rain and hail. Steckel is committed to her craft, and encourages others to keep evolving.
“When you’re passionate about something, go for it. I’m better today than I was yesterday; I’m always learning.”
This commitment to excellence means that Steckel’s slots fill up fast. Sign-ups begin in October via her page, Cari’s Swimming Lessons, on Facebook. Payment is required to secure a spot. Should any openings become available due to lack of payment or cancellation, Steckel offers them on a rolling basis. She is considering adding an additional week to accommodate more swimmers next summer.
Steckel’s “tough love” stance on swimming is one that has lasting effects. “It is the number one gift you can give your child. It is the hardest gift, but it is the best gift you can give them. You can never have too many swim lessons.”
Even though she has relocated, Steckel remains rooted in Bulloch County. “I find Statesboro to be my people,” Steckel says. “I’ll come back until I can’t!”
For more information about swim lessons, please visit her page, Cari’s Swimming Lessons, on Facebook.