Georgia Southern graduate students perform more than 6,000 hearing screenings during Fall 2024 semester

From left to right, Grace Bergeron and Reilly Gray. These students are Communication Sciences and Disorders graduate students at Georgia Southern University.

Georgia Southern University students got out of the classroom during the Fall 2024 semester to perform more than 6,000 crucial hearing screenings for Chatham and Effingham County K-12 students.

“Community-based work like this allows students who are training to become speech-language pathologists to develop critical skills and build trust and rapport with the communities they serve,” said Tory Candea, SLP.D., director of clinical education and the RiteCare® Center for Communication Disorders. 

Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSDS) graduate students are required to complete clinical hours as part of their training to become certified speech-language pathologists. This gives them a chance to gain valuable experience while making a lasting impact in the local community. 

These fall screenings are crucial for CSDS students’ education, allowing them to work directly with local schools and identify potential hearing issues that could affect academic performance for K-12 students. When necessary, CSDS students refer children to the appropriate health care professionals for further evaluation and treatment.

“Providing hearing screenings to school-aged children is a cornerstone of community health and wellness,” said Candea. “Early detection of hearing issues can significantly improve a child’s ability to succeed academically, socially and emotionally.”

In addition to their work within local schools, the RiteCare® Center also offers hearing screenings to the broader community, providing useful services for both adults and children. These screenings are part of the center’s ongoing mission to promote health, wellness and accessibility in communications for all. 

For more information on the RiteCare® Center for Communication Disorders and its services, visit this link.

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