The Tuesday, June 18, 2024 Statesboro City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Jonathan McCollar at 5:30 pm. Council member Paulette Chavers then led a prayer and the pledge of allegiance. Council Member John Riggs was not present and City Manager Charles Penny was present on video call.
The City Council approved their $108,973,791 FY025 budget at the meeting. 62.7% of the general fund budget is allocated to Salary and Benefit costs.
Highlights of FY2025 Budget
- 10% total decrease from FY2024
- 13.5% General fund increase
- Presenting a Balanced Budget
- Increase in sewer rates, tap fees and aid to construction fee
Mr. Penny clarified that the budget does not reflect tax base increases from any of the approved new developments.
Compensation and benefits highlights
- Full year of new pay plan implementation performed by Condrey and Associates
- Federal inflation rates in 2024 of 3.5%
- Continued pay for performance for employees
Recognitions/Public Presentations
A) Presentation by the Greener Boro Commission.
Greener Boro Commission Chair and Professor of Biology at Georgia Southern, Lissa Leege, spoke on behalf of the commission and presented a number of objectives, achievements and future initiatives that the members have proposed.
The commission gathered information from 442 attendees of GreenFest about their primary environmental/climate concerns, with results indicating that respondents found recycling, biking and walking trails, pedestrian friendly cities and solar initiatives to be the top four greatest desires.
Leege reported that residential energy use and emissions are higher than average per capita in Bulloch County than the rest of the state. Animal agriculture and fertilizers are a source of some of this elevated emission.
These concerns were taken into account when the commission developed the following objectives:
- Reduce solid waste
- Reduce transportation emissions
- Increase alternative transportation
- Increase accessibility and amount of bike routes
- Improve city walkability
- Increase public and private green space
- Conserve biological/environmental green space, including wetlands
- Improve energy efficiency in city buildings and provide education about how to be energy efficient
- Work towards sustainability enforcement with the city
The commission is working towards accomplishing these objectives by consulting local experts, city staff and external speakers to solve these issues.
The Greener Boro Commission has also partnered with the Business Innovation Group and the Fab lab for the Fix it Friday initiative, which aims to reduce solid waste by repairing items rather than replacing them. Leege reported that 214 people have engaged in the initiative and that 105 items were fixed.
The commission has also compiled a list of local resources for sustainable options for solid waste like batteries, cardboard, glass and fabric recycling, that is available on the city website .
The commission also worked with Georgia Power at the family resource fair to educate residents about the Georgia Power Ease energy efficiency program that is available to qualified customers.
New Initiatives
- Encouraging the city to develop aluminum cups for city events rather than single use cups
- Encourage city to move forward with an energy performance contract
- Encourage city to develop reduced transportation emissions and map bike paths
- Partnership with KSBB for Green Business Certifications
- Climate Resiliency Plan - Vulnerability Assessment and creation of plan
Council member Chavers is most supportive of the bike trails and fix-it Fridays, but expressed concerns with the aluminum cup concept.
Mayor McCollar said he would like to see greater improvements to walking trails that connect to the Georgia Southern campus
Public Comments
No public comment
Consent Agenda
CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED 5. Consideration of a Motion to approve the Consent Agenda
1. Approval of Minutes
a) 06-04-2024 Council Minutes
b) 06-04-2024 Executive Session Minutes
Public Hearing
APPROVED 6. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION SE 24-05- 01: Sal Atta requests a Special Exception from Section 2.2.9 of the Statesboro Unified Development Code in order to allow for the establishment of a vehicle service station at 3101 Old Register Road (Tax Parcel # 076 00001 012).
Kathy Field presented information about the motion, stating that currently the parcel hosts an unused mechanic shop and the future land use map reflects this area to be an emerging business character area. Approval is recommended by staff with conditions found in the packet.
APPROVED 7. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION RZ 24-05- 02: The Young Men’s Christian Association of Coastal Georgia, Inc. requests a Zoning Map Amendment from the R-15 (Single-Family Residential) zoning district to the MX (Mixed-Use) zoning district on approximately 8.29 acres of property in order to add services for a future daycare and medical office to the existing Y at 409 Clairborne Avenue (Tax Parcel # S53 000001 000).
Currently the facility is a YMCA, and the unused portion of the building is intended to be used as daycare. Staff recommended approval with conditions.
APPROVED 8. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION SUB 24-05- 03: Mitchell Ball requests a Preliminary Subdivision PLAT on approximately 32.16 acres in order to amend a previously approved single-family detached subdivision by increasing the unit count by 12 units on Stockyard Road (Tax Parcel # MS38000068 001).
The property is currently vacant and staff recommends approval under conditions.
Haydon Rollins of Hussey Gay Bell says they are hoping this is the last change in plans, with the lots decreasing in size by 6 feet and the addition of 12 units as a result; 12 units for a total of 96 lots. Traffic studies were conducted and turning lanes that are needed for development will mitigate concerns.
APPROVED 9. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: APPLICATION SUB 24-05- 04: Five Guys Development, LLC request a Preliminary Subdivision PLAT on 111.4 acres of property in order to develop approximately 185 units at 6922 Burkhalter Road (Tax Parcel # 108 000002 000).
The first phases of development will be the single family residential development and the proceeding phase is for townhomes. The property was found to have more usable land than previously estimated and staff recommended approval with conditions.
Council member Phil Boyum expressed concerns about developing on Burkhalter Road when the road will need expansion in the near future.
Rollins replied that traffic studies have included future county growth projections and they are helping to prepare for this by increasing the right of way to 70 feet plus adding turning lanes and anticipating a future roundabout.
APPROVED 10. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve:
A. APPLICATION SE 24-05-05: CRE Impact BCM Southern Statesboro GA, LLC requests a Special Exception from Section 2.3.2 of the Statesboro Unified Development Code to allow for an approximately 1,000 square foot commercial space in a proposed multi-story apartment development located at 1701 Chandler Road (Tax Parcel # MS62 000001 000).
The existing building on site will be demolished to make room for this development.
B. APPLICATION SU 24-05-06: CRE Impact BCM Southern Statesboro GA, LLC requests a Special Use Permit to allow for an increase in the allowed density of a proposed multi-story apartment development located at 1701 Chandler Road (Tax Parcel# MS62 000001 000).
Staff recommends approval under conditions.
Jeff Warwick, the owner of the property, says that the intended building and coffee shop will create a community based in ministry, anchored by the BCM. He says the first floor of the building will be an open, interactive student lounge, BCM and coffee shop, with around 80 residential units above that.
APPROVED 11. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to Approve: Resolution 2024-14: A Resolution Adopting the 2024 Comprehensive Master Plan Update.
In accordance with the requirements of Comprehensive Planning standards in the state of Georgia, the City in collaboration with the Coastal Regional Commission has prepared an updated Comprehensive Plan.
The Comprehensive Plan is the basis on which rezoning is performed.
APPROVED 12. Public Hearing and Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2024-15: A Resolution exempting certain vehicles from marking requirement for one year.
2001 Session of the General Assembly amended O.C.G.A. 36-80-20 to limit the duration of such an exemption to one year, requiring an annual exemption instead of doing it one time as under the previous statute.
New Business
APPROVED 13. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2024-16: A Resolution to adopt the second amendment to the fiscal year 2024 budget for each fund of the City of Statesboro, Georgia, appropriating the amounts shown in each budget as expenditures/expenses, adopting the several items of revenue anticipations, and prohibiting expenditures or expenses from exceeding the actual funding appropriated
State law requires the City of Statesboro to adopt a balance budget every fiscal year. The City of Statesboro fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30 of each year. The Mayor and City Council were presented the capital budget at the March 16 Council Retreat and the operating budget at the May 14 budget work sessions.
CLICK HERE to view the FY2025 budget
APPROVED 14. Consideration of a Motion to approve Resolution 2024-17: A Resolution to adopt he Fiscal Year 2025 Budget for each fund of the City of Statesboro, Georgia, appropriating the amount shown in each budget as expenditures/expenses, adopting the several items of revenue anticipations, and prohibiting expenditures or expenses from exceeding the actual funding available for appropriations.
APPROVED 15. Consideration of a Motion to Approve Resolution 2024-18: A Resolution adopting the Statesboro Schedule of Rates, Fees and Fines.
In June 2015, the City of Statesboro adopted its first comprehensive Schedule of Rates, Fees and Fines. This document is updated and adopted every year based on any changes of rates, fees and fines and is effective July 1. The document may also be amended during the fiscal year if the need arises. There is a proposed rate increase of 10% for Residential, Governmental, Industrial, and Commercial (inside) user fee – per the Raftlelis rate study performed in FY2023. A proposed Water and Sewer Tap Fee increase and an Aid to Construction (Waste Water Treatment Plant expansion) Fee increase. A proposed extra duty rate pay increase for both Police and Fire will impact the rates as well.
APPROVED 16. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2024-19: A Resolution accepting road right of way of Fernhill Drive, Leather Leaf Way, Boston Fern Lane, Royal Fern Lane, Fire Apparatus Turnaround (2), and future road extension within the Fernhill Subdivision as public streets to be owned and maintained by the City of Statesboro.
The property was accepted into the residential subdivision incentive program in 2022 for the proposed development. The developer now desires to dedicate the following roads: Fernhill Drive, Leather Leaf Way, Boston Fern Lane, Royal Fern Lane, Fire Apparatus Turnaround (2), and future road extension, to the City of Statesboro. The Fernhill development finished construction with the roads completed in 2024. Please see the attached dedication(s) with associated plats.
Council member Boyum says it would be beneficial to reconsider the similar road names as they would affect 911 operations.
APPROVED 17. Second Reading and consideration of a motion to approve:
A) Ordinance 2024-06: An Ordinance amending Chapter 70 of the Statesboro Code of Ordinances regulating the use of Shareable Dockless Mobility Devices.
B) Ordinance 2024-07: An Ordinance amending Chapter 78 of the Statesboro Code of Ordinances amending Non-Motorized Devices.
At the February 20, 2024 work session, TSW provided recommendations to introduce a new code language in Chapter 70 regarding shareable dockless (personal) mobility devices (ie, scooters) and to update language in Ordinance Chapter 78-9 pertaining to non-motorized vehicles (ie, roller skates, skateboards, bicycles, electric scooters, etc) and include additional language related to mobility devices
TSW prepared this information concurrently with the new Unified Development Code (UDC), but is not included in the UDC. Chapter 70 pertains to “Streets, Sidewalks, and Other Public Places.” Chapter 78 pertains to “Traffic and Vehicles.” The amendments advanced from the First Reading to the Second Reading by unanimous vote at the June 4, 2024 council meeting.
18. Consideration of a Motion to Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for services with the Statesboro Arts Council, Inc. to market downtown Statesboro by operating and managing the Averitt Center for the Arts, using proceeds from the Hotel/Motel Tax.
Averitt Center for the Arts will receive 25.1% of the Hotel-Motel excise taxes collected pursuant to City Ordinances 74-32 et seq. to fund the general operating budget. The percentage remains the same as Fiscal Year 2025.
APPROVED 19. Consideration of a Motion to Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for services with the Downtown Statesboro Development Authority/Main Street to market downtown Statesboro, using proceeds from the Hotel/Motel Tax.
Downtown Statesboro Development Authority (DSDA) will receive 19.9 % of the Hotel-Motel excise taxes collected pursuant to City Ordinances 74-32 et seq. The percentage remains the same as Fiscal Year 2025.
APPROVED 20. Consideration of a Motion to Authorize the Mayor to execute a contract for services with the Statesboro Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc. to market Statesboro and Bulloch County, using proceeds from the Hotel/Motel Tax.
Statesboro Convention and Visitors Bureau (SCVB) will receive 50.0 % of the HotelMotel excise taxes collected pursuant to City Ordinances 74-32 et seq. The percentage remains the same as Fiscal Year 2025.
APPROVED 21. Consideration of a motion to amend the West Main Street streetscape improvements project contract with Cranston by an additional amount of $79,850.00 to provide professional design services along the East Main Street streetscape. This project, ENG92, will be paid by 2018 TSPLOST funds.
In the March 19, 2024 Council meeting, the City of Statesboro approved engineering services for the subject project of streetscape improvements to include sidewalk improvements, drainage improvements, utility relocations, traffic engineering and streetscape improvements (i.e. decorative street lights, benches, and landscaping) on West Main Street from North Main to South College Street. The additional work will address right-of-way, utility and drainage concerns that have been identified through initial planning and design along East Main Street. This will ensure East Main Street, from North Main Street to Railroad Street, will have a uniform appearance with West Main Street when construction is complete
There will be public input meetings for West and East Main Street businesses and the general public, as well as council work session updates, during the study and design process.
APPROVED 22. Consideration of a motion to award a contract to Hussey Gay Bell Engineering, Inc. in the amount not to exceed $76,900 to provide survey, design, permit, bid and contract administration services for sanitary sewer rehabilitation in the Fair Road, East Main Street and US Highway 80 areas. If approved, this project will be funded using operating income as approved in FY2024 CIP Projects WWD-187 & WWD-188.
As part of the City’s ongoing efforts to reduce groundwater infiltration into its sanitary sewer system, they are proposing to line approximately 6,500 linear feet of sanitary sewer main with Cured In Place (CIPP) liners and to rehabilitate approximately 34 sanitary sewer manholes. The Wastewater Treatment Plant experiences extremely high flows during rain events and periods of wet weather. Reducing this flow will extend the life of the plant and free up capacity for other uses while reducing operational costs.
Hussey Gay Bell Engineering, Inc. has extensive knowledge in sewer rehabilitation projects and has completed numerous, similar projects for the City of Statesboro in recent years
APPROVED 23. Consideration of a motion to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with FS2 Land Holdings LLC, to cost share the construction of a Sewer Lift Station to serve Quail Run Subdivision. The City will contribute 20% of the cost, not to exceed $149,602.00. This project, WWD-32, will be paid for with funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), which have been set aside for utility extension into unserved areas.
As part of the program to extend utilities into unserved areas within the City, the process to design, bid and construct a sanitary sewer system in the Quail Run subdivision has bbegun. This subdivision was annexed into the City many years ago and has water but no sewer service. Quail Run consists of 46 residential lots, 26 of which currently have single family homes on them. In order to serve these homes a new sewer lift station and force main will need to be constructed.
Previously when this sewer extension was evaluated it was too expensive to build a new lift station to serve such a small number of homes. However now that FS2 Land Holding is moving forwards with plans to construct a new single family subdivision adjoining Quail Run, it has become much more feasible to do so.
APPROVED 24. Consideration of a motion to approve Task Order #9 in the amount of $69,960.00 from Goodwyn, Mills, and Cawood (GMC) as part of the Stormwater Masterplanning Professional Services Agreement, to perform a stormwater study in the Whitesville area. This project will be paid through Stormwater Utility funds under STM-2 Drainage Basin H&H Modeling CIP.
There is a need to perform a stormwater study in the Whitesville area due to recent flooding events. On August 16, 2016 City Council approved the City Manager to negotiate a contract with EPG (now GMC) to perform consulting services to assist the City in the preparation of master planning for the comprehensive stormwater management program. Staff has negotiated a cost for services under this task order in an amount not to exceed $69,960.00. Under the contract, or professional services agreement, GMC will perform a comprehensive list of services for the City. Therefore, GMC’s services have been separated into task orders. This will be the third of those task orders.
APPROVED - 25. Consideration of a motion to approve the use of $250,000 from ARPA interest earnings to assist with the construction of the Food Bank building.
In March during the City Council Retreat, the need for additional funding to assist with the completion of the Statesboro Food Bank Building was expressed. The City had committed $500,000.00 toward the new building and Bulloch County also committed the same amount. Originally, the plan was to apply for a $1,000,000.00 grant through DCA for some CARES Act Funds. The building would have been owned by the County for at least 5 years and then could have conveyed it to the Food Bank. Unfortunately, the county was not able to apply for the funds for reasons unrelated to the County, and in the meantime, the Food Bank had to relocate from the former Julia P. Bryant location. The City purchased the land and the Food Bank engaged Pierce Construction to construct the building. The Food Bank needs additional funding to complete the building. ARPA interest earnings in the amount of $250,000.00 were identified to assist with the construction of the building.
The Food Bank is seeking a $300,000.00 construction loan from a local financial institution and is seeking additional funding from Bulloch County. The Food Bank has raised $200,000.00 toward the construction and is continuing to fundraise.
From the outset of this project, it was never intended for the Food Bank to have a large debt for this building and ultimately, the building belongs to the City and County. The Food Bank Board and staff need to focus on assisting people in our community that have food insecurity.
Board members of the food bank were present, including Executive Director, Sheila Stewart-Leech, who says that the pantry is moving to the new facility next week and opening for the public on July 1, with the food bank's other services to open in the fall.
Public Comments (General)
Don Armel asked the council to address a concern that he had about the possibility that a vacancy exists among the council seats as defined by verbiage within the city charter, due to limitations on council members' place of residents. Armel challenged the residency of District 1 Councilmen Phil Boyum. Armel believes that Mr. Boyum does not have a residence in Statesboro or District 1. Armel said that the East Main residence where he formally lived was vacated in 2023 and there is no verification or proof of residency of Council member Boyum in District 1 or even in the City limits of Statesboro. He asked the Council to investigate his legal residency as stated in the City Charter.
Annie Bellinger commented about the difficulty she had in placing her votes in the recent election.
Executive Session
The council entered into executive session to discuss the following motions, and returned to open session to vote.
A motion was approved to execute a purchase/sale agreement with Robbie Franklin Real Estate LLC for the purchase of property for a fire station. The project FD-85 will be funded from 2019 SPLOST funds.
A motion was approved to accept the resignation of Hannah Dugan from the Greener Boro Commission and the reappointment of Lissa Legee.
A motion was approved to provide a car allowance for the role of City Attorney and City Clerk in the amount of $700.00 per month.
A motion was approved to appoint Shiraya Robbs and Aaron Jump to the Keep Statesboro Bulloch Beautiful Advisory Board.
Click Here for meeting agenda and supporting documents
Click here to view the live stream of meetings.